

Support FCA Today!

Thank you for supporting FCA! To make a donation simply select the area of ministry or local staff you'd like to support using the links below. You will then be taken to our secure donation website on where you choose to:


  • Make a single gift with credit card or e-check
  • Make a recurring monthly gift via credit card or e-check
  • Learn about other ways to give


You'll also have the opportunity to create your own personal account to manage your information, update payment information, download year-end tax receipts, plus much more.

We appreciate your partnership with FCA. You are helping to change the lives of athletes and coaches throughout the area.

Randy Hutchins

PNW Outdoors & Motorsports


Support Randy

Bill Barr

Idaho FCA

Outdoors Area Rep

Support Bill

Sami Stelpflug

Social Media & Website


Support Sami

Colten Holdorf

Willamette Valley FCA Outdoors Area Rep

Support Colten

Jami Stone

Alaska FCA Outdoors Area Rep

Support Jami

Support Athletes Through Scholarships!

For more than six decades, FCA has accomplished its mission (to reach every coach and athlete for Christ and His Church) in large part through the life changing impact of camps. Camps are a time of inspiration and perspiration for athletes and coaches who want to reach their potential through comprehensive athletic, spiritual and leadership training. 

To remain present, relevant and impactful for the next 70 years, FCA is expanding its reach to include sport environments where athletes compete outside of the traditional campus setting. Here in the Pacific Northwest, we’ve added several new motorsports and outdoors sports like motocross and archery to our ministry focus and our camp offerings.

Now, your financial partnership provides scholarship funds for athletes passionate about traditional as well as several previously underserved sports. We greatly appreciate your generosity to help us advance the Gospel around the world.

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